"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security."
~ Vincenzo Vinciguerra.
~ Vincenzo Vinciguerra.
The Kurdish patriots of Hakkari are now being made to pay for their boycott of the phony AKP constitutional referendum with their lives.
Earlier today a dolmuş was blown up by contra-guerrillas in Hakkari province near the village of Geçitli. Ten civilians are dead as a result. This is no different than the Güçlükonak massacre, which was the work of the Turkish military or, more recently, the massacre in Beytüşşebap, Beşağaç, in which 12 people, including village guards, were killed.

Villagers apparently rushed to the scene of the blast and fought the TSK in order to preserve evidence that was left behind. Shades of Şemdinli! You remember the Şemdinli bombing, in which the citizens of the town chased down and captured the TSK perpetrators and found loads of evidence in the perpetrators' JITEM-registered vehicle.
According to KCK, from Hürriyet:
“This is a counter-action against the people of Hakkari who joined the boycotting of the referendum on Sept. 12,” KCK officials were quoted as saying on Fırat’s website. The officials were also quoted as saying that they would not carry out any attacks until Sept. 20, the end of the cease-fire announced earlier by the PKK.
More from PKK, from Fırat News (http://en.firatnews.com/index.php?rupel=article&nuceID=1035):
PKK said the guerilla forces are committed to the unilateral ceasefire, declared on 13 August.
Kurdish boycott campaign against the constitutional referendum was most effective in Hakkari, only 7 percent of the registered voters casted their ballots.
PKK statement said in Peyanus village only 5 voters casted their ballots while 99 percent of the voters supported BDP's boycott campaign and labelled the attack "a response to Peyanus's attitude in the referendum."
"The attack in Hakkari is an attack to all the Kurds" PKK said.
PKK also warned AKP government saying "The people of Hakkari is not alone".
PKK declared the victims as "martyrs of democracy" and paid condolences to the relatives and Kurdish people.
Furthermore, Selahattin Demirtaş had this to say, again from the Hürriyet link:
Later Thursday, BDP leader Selahattin Demirtaş condemned the attack in Hakkari, calling it “inhumane” and saying he believed it was carried out not by the PKK but by the “deep state,” a term used to describe an alleged criminal network within the Turkish state.
The BDP chief said he and other party officials had traveled to Ankara from Diyarbakır to participate in a secret meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Çiçek on Thursday but the meeting was canceled after the blast, CNNTürk reported him as saying at a press conference.
Demirtaş was also reported as saying the cancellation implied that the government saw the BDP as responsible for the blast.
It may appear to Selahattin Arkadaş that AKP blames BDP for the massacre but the cancellation of negotiations with BDP by AKP clearly indicates something else for me. For me, it indicates that the AKP and The Murderer Erdoğan are behind this contra-guerrilla operation. AKP needed an excuse to not speak to Kurds so it cooked up another massacre, in the finest tradition of the Ankara regime. The AKP ordered this massacre; TSK happily obliged.

Among the evidence left behind at the scene of the massacre were two military bags with two unexploded anti-tank mines, flares, bayonet, hand grenade, and a Hakkari mountain commando brigade bag containing canned tuna, chocolate, soda, cheese, and bread.
Now this is very, very sloppy. What professional soldier or contra-guerrilla would leave behind such a mess after completing a showy false flag operation? Such a slob should properly be shot. But, of course, this is very interesting in what it tells me and what it should tell others. It tells me that a professional did not do this job. It tells me that TSK ordered korucular, or village guards--non-professionals, in other words--to do this job. Hell, TSK remembers Şemdinli very well. AKP remembers Şemdinli very well, too.
Ah, well . . . 20 September is only a few days away. I can hardly wait!