Monday, May 07, 2007


"The "Bad Kurds" are those who harbor freedom notions for their long-suffering people and show signs of doing something to realize Kurdish dreams of freedom and independence. In the front ranks of the Kurds who have refused to become stepínífetchits for the imperial elite is the heroic PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party), a genuine national liberation movement which has been taking on Turkey and its sponsors on the Potomac in an all-out popular guerrilla war for over 16 years."
~ Huseyin al-Kurdi.

There's an interview with Michael Totten's sidekick at sidekick's site. Aside from the usual propaganda we've come to expect from Totten, there was something very interesting that I noticed from sidekick, who goes by the name of Patrick Lasswell. To set this up, check out the following:

Have you also been in other parts of Kurdistan then Iraqi-Kurdistan? And what do you think about it?

Iran and Syria are blocked to me. They are distinctly unkind to sailors in Iran, despite what the British hostages said with guns to their heads. Syria is also a problem because I have a military security clearance I'd like to keep intact and they might hand me over to Iran. Is it hubris to think of yourself as worth at least a truckload of Katyusha's? Eastern Turkey is arguably less attractive than Kirkuk in a variety of dimensions, and the time to go there hasn't been available in the trips I've taken. I have talked extensively with Iranian Kurds and found them to be charming.

The guy is American military. The guy hasn't been to Rojhelat or Rojava. The guy hasn't spent any time to speak of in Bakûr, so he doesn't have a clue about Bakûrî. He doesn't know the people; he doesn't know the situation--or at least as an American military type, pretends to not know about the situation--and he doesn't know the history. Yet, in spite of all this ignorance, he's an expert on PKK. Read on:

I do not consider the PKK a political party. I see it as a criminal conspiracy to extort funds from Kurds in Europe and anyone else who will pay for violence. Their influence in Iraqi Kurdistan is pernicious, but not dominant. I much prefer the social democrat Iranian Komala to the Turkish PKK. There is a reason that the dissident Iranian Komala is easy to reach, with a sign out front, from Suliamaniya and the PKK hides in some of the most rugged and inaccessible terrain in Central Asia. The PKK works to oppress and control decent people. The Iranian Komala works to liberate decent people.

Odd, isn't it, considering that PKK is not Turkish? Sure, there are Turks in PKK; there always have been. But it's a Kurdish organization, hence the name: Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan. Oh, and PKK doesn't consider itself a party either, at least not in its official expression, which is Koma Komalên Kurdistan.

Odd, too, that Lasswell doesn't like the fact that PKK doesn't post huge signs on the roads to give directions to PKK's Qendîl location . . . even though hundreds of other journalists have easily found their way to that location. Remember when the ceasefire was called? There were oodles of foreign journalists at Qendîl for that. Everyone goes up and down Qendîl to talk to PKK, even the CIA, but Lasswell can't seem to find Qendîl nor does he seem to know anyone who does know the way to Qendîl.

It's also odd that this American military type is singing the praises of a Rojhelatî organization (he wrongly calls Komala "Iranian") from Iran, yet cannot dis Bakûrî or PKK enough. I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that the US is still pissed off at Iran for taking over the US embassy in Teheran way back in 1979? I wonder if that's because the American Deep Staters who run the American government are still itching to nuke Iran? I wonder if that's because the American Deep Staters are so closely allied with the Turkish Deep Staters? I wonder if it's because Turkey is America's second ally in the region, second only after Israel (which is also deep into the deep shit of the Deep State).

I guess KOMALA has agreed to work for the Americans and PKK hasn't. What a shock.

But there's more:

There is no need to crater the runway at Erbil International Airport in order to control the PKK. If Turkey is serious about controlling the PKK, they'd be better off interdicting the Frankfurt airport, Dubai banks, or just shooting heroin dealers in Paris. The PKK is a persistent problem because they are exceptionally well funded through extortion and other criminal activities taking place in Europe. There are also indications that other Central Asian powers are providing the PKK with support as a distraction for Turkey.

Our smart American military boy really displays his ignorance here. If Turkey is serious about anything, especially its internal stability and wider, regional stability, as it always claims, then Turkey needs to sit down and go over the political solution that PKK has offered. And if it does, it will also sit down with DTP, while ending the persecution of this legal Kurdish political party. In addition, we'd all be interested to see the hard evidence of the other claims made here by the guy who's never talked to PKK or never spent any time among the Bakûrî--the very same people our American military boy has helped Turkey to genocide.

(As a reminder, it was years ago that Ocalan himself said that it was not necessary that he sit down personally and negotiate a peace with the TC. For him, it is enough that a peace be negotiated.)

But, of course, such hard evidence will never be forthcoming because it's all a Turkish pipedream. I mean, it has been over twenty years that Turkey and its American ally have been making these claims and they've never produced a shred of hard evidence for them. Just as Turkey has been making similar claims of RojTV, yet the Danish government has yet to receive any hard evidence of any Turkish claims.


I have no love of the PKK. Their supporters sound just like Hezbollah stooges and they have lied about my friends. I suspect the PKK of all kinds of villainy and vice and know that they have used terror on a regular basis. I also understand why my Iraqi Kurdish friends are sympathetic to the oppressed Kurds of Turkey. What most of my Iraqi Kurdish friends don't know is the reason why their sympathies are not divided is that the PKK attacks rival and divergent groups with much greater vigor than they ever attack the Turkish state. The PKK has a monopoly on Kurdish insurrection in Turkey and they murderously suppress anyone who tries to compete with them. What kind of government do you think they will make if they are ever put in charge...or even allowed a seat at the table?

Now we come to the heart of the matter. Military boy is upset because he alleges that PKK has lied about his friends. He suspects everything evil of PKK for this reason and for the reason that he's well-versed in Deep State propaganda. You can forget that part about his understanding why his Başûrî friends "are sympathetic to the oppressed Kurds of Turkey," because this is your typical American who really doesn't give a damn about any kind of Kurd. He's looking out for the interests of his American bosses and Kurds are just pawns in their games.

By the way, if PKK is so ruthless, why has DTP been around for so long? After all, we all know DTP's had previous incarnations. If HPG can kill JITEM scum at will in Turkish-occupied Kurdistan, wouldn't it be that much easier to pick off, oh, say 54 DTP mayors at will? But that hasn't happend, has it? The only threats to DTP is the Ankara regime and its allies. They're the only ones who've been charging, investigating, prosecuting, detaining, arresting, imprisoning, and threatening DTP.

And military boy's claim that PKK enforces Bakûrî unity is pure bullshit. Which gerîla was holding a gun to Leyla Zana's head during her Newroz speech? Which gerîlas were holding guns to the heads of 54 DTP mayors to enforce their support for RojTV or to call for an independent medical examination of Ocalan? Which gerîlas hold guns to the heads of ordinary Bakûrî, other Kurds, and other non-Kurds who do find their ways to Qendîl?

Our American military boy refuses to admit that it is, in fact, the Ankara regime that is ruthless in its brutality against the Bakûrî, and not PKK. What we have here is a rehash of McKiernan's "good" Kurd/"bad" Kurd dichotomy, a dichotomy which even extends into Kurdish society and manifests as intra-Kurdish racism.

But, stirring all this up, perpetuating the dichotomy, and conquest by division, well, that's how a propagandist works. Just like Michael Rubin.

For more on American designs on Iraq and South Kurdistan, check out a fabulous article on "The Prize of Iraqi Oil," from After you've read that, you might be interested to read about the "Soft Bigotry of the NYTimes" and how anxious these lapdogs are to ram the oil law down the throats of Iraqis and Başûrî, thus effectively robbing them of their most valuable resource.

Who said it wasn't about the control of oil?

For a pretty good analysis of what's going on politically in the Turkish elections, check out Shiraz Socialist. There are a lot of little details in that post that I'm certain a lot of people have forgotten about or never knew, especially if they read only Western media.


Patrick said...

Every once in a while I wonder if it's worth it to keep blogging. When I find that I've irritated someone as intolerant as you are, I know that the effort is worth making.

Can you swear that the PKK doesn't use suicide bombers?

What do you think life would be like with the PKK in control?

How long do you think you would stay out of prison in a PKK ruled country?

voltaires_priest said...

Thanks for another nice write-up about Shiraz Socialist, Mizgin! :)

Mizgîn said...

The accusation of intolerance is a funny one coming from you, Patrick, as someone who admits he knows nothing about Kurds in the North and cannot find Qendîl, but then sets himself up to be the expert on the subject.

But I know where all that is coming from. The sources have been admitted in other writings.

On the other hand, even while I criticize both KDP and PUK, I believe that if those are the parties Southern Kurds wish to work through, then by all means, let them represent the people of the South.

Those parties are also welcome within the framework of democratic confederalism which, given the vigorous reinforcement of the "sacred" concept of border and territoriality by ALL of the club members of the UN, is at present the only alternative to the current status quo as it affects greater Kurdistan.

Since we are talking about reality here, how long would I, or anyone else, remain out of prison in a South Kurdistan which actively attempts to silence criticism by beatings, detentions, and imprisonment of journalists? In a South Kurdistan which reacts superficially to the suppression of free speech when knowledge of these acts finally reach the outside world and cause a scandal? Or how long would I survive in patriarchal society that similarly reacts to violations of women's inherent rights when atrocities such as honor murder come to the attention of activists outside of Kurdistan? Or how long would I survive in an environment in which political dissent and opposition, as well as free assembly, exist at the whim of rulers and not by actual rule of law supported by a functioning civil society?

Are these examples of dysfunctional democracy good enough for the Kurdish people in that one part of Kurdistan which now has the freedom to realize democracy? Americans may think so, but that's because the foreign policies of the US are antithetical to the spread of real democracy. If it were otherwise, serious attention would have been paid to the fact that 98% of South Kurdistanis want independence.

Instead, Kurds remain the pawns of American foreign policy and, as such, are expendable. This holds true for Kurds in Turkish-occupied Kurdistan as well. Otherwise an honest negotiator would have been appointed to "coordinate" the PKK for Turkey . . . instead of Lockheed Martin director and lobbyist, Joseph Ralston.

I know who's bottom line is really at stake in Kurdistan.

You're welcome for the write-up, Voltaires_Priest. Thank you for the excellent work.