"There is no place where espionage is not possible."
~ Sun Tzu.
~ Sun Tzu.
The video of Sibel Edmonds' deposition has been released and can be viewed here. The entire deposition is broken down into a series of five videos of about 10 minutes each.
A transcript of the deposition is available here in .pdf.
There's some information on the Krikorian-Schmidt case from a local Ohio newspaper, which is carrying links to the video and transcript, as well as an explanation of Sibel's role in the deposition:
In preparation for the Sept. 3 hearing, Krikorian's lawyer requested a subpoena for well known whistleblower and former interpreter for the FBI, Sibel Edmonds. The OEC declined to enforce the subpoena, however Edmonds agreed to speak to Krikorian and Schmidt's lawyers on a voluntary basis.The video deposition was brought forward by Krikorian's counsel to provide background on the alleged involvement of the Turkish government in Congressional affairs through blackmail, bribery, and campaign contributions filtered through various organizations. Edmonds also describes Turkish infiltration of the Pentagon and Air Force.
Edmonds' deposition is significant because she has twice been "gagged" by a State Secrets exemption from testifying for a 9/11 investigation and a Congressional hearing.
By various Internet bloggers she has been called the most gagged woman in the U.S.
[ . . . ]
Edmonds (who is Turkish-American) called as a witness for Krikorian (who is Armenian-American) testified to infiltration, bribery, corruption, and blackmail within the U.S. Government, by current and former members of the U.S. House and other high ranking officials, on behalf of Turkish interests.
Take a look at the Ohio paper link and note the comments. There you'll see one by the ATAA's president-elect, Ergün Kirlikovalı, whose racism was mentioned previously on Rastî.
For more on the deposition, see the links at "Turkish Espionage Operations Target Congress".
Miz - As long as the Israelis see the Turks as "Useful Idiots", (to steal Lenin's depiction of American Communists in the 1920s) little if anything will be done. Some Jewish intellectuals view Kurds and Armenians as brothers and sisters in suffering, but thus far, the AIPAC/neocon types have held near absolute sway. The power of the Turkish military is utterly dependent on Israeli influence and American largesse, at least until their prejudices and grandiose delusions get the better of them!
Hi dear friend,
What do you make of the fact that the DoJ and the FBI did not even show up at the deposition? Does that mean that they are throwing in the towel?
I am just amazed at how the corporate press and even the free media are STILL ignoring this story. Commondreams.org and Democracynow.org. The latter even has a story about "EPA Fails to Inform Public About Weed Killer in Drinking Water but nothing about Sibel.
It is just mind boggling that a headline like "TOP STATE DEPARMENT OFFICIAL ACCUSED OF SELLING NUCLEAR SECRETS" or even "BISEXUAL CONGRESSWOMAN BLACKMAILED BY NATO ALLY" just does not seem to be able to attact any interest.
This stupid country simply does not deserve people like Sibel Edmonds...
The Saker
Anonymous, if it's true that some Jewish intellectuals view Kurds and Armenians as brothers and sisters in suffering, I, myself, have not seen that. It doesn't even appear as though they are willing to say a word about the Jewish hostages the Turkish government holds. For more on that, see this.
Of course, you're correct about Turkish dependence on American largesse which, in turn, is dependent on Israeli influence. To get a better idea of that, check the podcast with Philip Giraldi at Sibel's place and make sure to check the comments there for the Zionist replies that were provoked by the interview.
Hey, VS, I don't know why the DOJ or FBI did not bother to show up at the deposition. I think I mentioned earlier that it may indicate the Obama administration wants to engage in a little blackmail of its own, in order to force Turkey to comply with US strategic plans for the region and extending into Central Asia. It may be that last year's Russian/Georgian clash signaled waning US influence in the region. Then we had the energy fiasco between Russia and Ukraine, during which Europe and its economy froze. It may be that the current Kurdish "initiative" of the Ankara regime is also a result of a change in US strategy, certainly because we all know that Katil Erdogan, on his own, would NEVER have proposed the idea. Here I am thinking also of the PKK's stated goal of sabotaging oil and gas pipelines if a peaceful solution to the Kurdish situation is not achieved. At this time, I have no reason to believe that the PKK has any intention of changing its position vis-a-vis the pipelines.
Why even the alternative media does not discuss Sibel's story is beyond me especially, as you mention, when there is clear information that the Turkish government is conducting espionage operations like the honeypot it set up for the unnamed congresswoman.
On the other hand, we probably shouldn't be so surprised. What happened with Harmon and her Israeli handler? What happened to Rosen and Weissman? What happened to Larry Franklin (okay, maybe he got off because he snitched)? What happened to Ben Ami Kadish? Has the alternative media gone into detail about those or about why those stories have simply dropped off the radar?
The "alternative media" does not pick it up simply because they all have their own agenda and it's not about "'antiwar' 'dreams'" and "democracy" or any other fancy word they try to put in their website url's. It's about the interest of a few with the following of several to buy into the same partisan politics that they think rules the country/world when it's really big business, blood money, and dirty interests that rules the world with the all the dirty Republicans and Democrats selling their souls to keep the machine alive and profitable.
- J
get a life people , she is way too sketchy!
Anon @8:30 AM and you go out of your way to tell us that. What's wrong with this picture?
Mizgin I have to confess that I've always loved Turkey (as the region connecting east and west Islam and Christianity, not necessarily as a nation) and as you're cause is a naturally heart-wrenching one. I have this hollywood idea that you must be incredibly beautiful and yet unaware of it due to your excessive dedication to your cause (this is always the set up to the movie).
I once lived in Hungary for a year as an exchange student and my best friend while I was there was a Turkish girl, whom I secretly had a crush on. So maybe I'm transferring it to you. But anyway I'm now officially transferring my fantasies to you. OK just kidding. But none the less, you're very smart and very passionate and I can't help but fantasize. I hope you won't take offense.
Western press are not reporting the Turkish crimes!!!
New mass execution revealed
NICOSIA - Another mass execution of Greek Cypriot POWs by the Turkish army comes to light 35 years after it took place during the Turkish invasion of the island in 1974.
The Turkish Cypriot daily “Afrika” quotes an eye witness, who kept his anonymity, that eight busloads of POWs were bayoneted and hacked to death as they waited to be shipped to Turkey.
The massacre took place towards the end of August 1974 when about 320 Greek Cypriot POWs were driven in buses to the Kyrenia coast to board a ship for their transport to Turkey.
According to the eye witness, as they waited new Turkish recruitments that had just landed attacked them and killed them all using their fixed bayonets or knives.
The eyewitness said the massacred Greek Cypriot may have been buried near the Mare Monte Hotel, not far from where they were killed.
It is ridiculous that you, Miz, claim that no Jewish intellectuals express any sympathy with the Kurds and then provide a link to an article by Vera Saeedpour, who is a Jew... and a devout Jew at that! Does anyone else see the blatant contradiction here?
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. August 25, 2009, 08:36 am ET
A Kurdish immigrant from Turkey who the U.S. government claims failed to disclose ties to a group labeled a terrorist organization lost another round Monday in his fight to remain in the United States.
In a split decision, a three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati ruled to uphold the federal government's deportation effort against Ibrahim Parlak.
Parlak, 47, immigrated to the United States in 1991 after being convicted in Turkey nearly three years earlier on charges related to his support of the Kurdish separatist movement. He settled in Harbert, a quiet Lake Michigan resort town about 15 miles south-southwest of St. Joseph. There, he opened the Kurdish restaurant Cafe Gulistan in 1994.
His attorneys have argued that Parlak was tortured in a Turkish prison, where he was held for 17 months, and that is how officials obtained a confession regarding Parlak's presence at a fire fight in which two Turkish soldiers were killed.
A Kurdish rights group that Parlak supported in the 1980s — PKK, the Kurdistan Workers Party — was designated a terrorist organization in 1999 by the United States. Parlak was detained by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security in 2004 for alleged immigration fraud.
Prosecutors said Parlak failed to disclose his link to the group in his original application for political asylum in the U.S. and didn't mention the Turkish conviction when he applied for a green card in 1993 and to become a citizen in 1999.
But he also has attracted a number of supporters, including two Michigan congressmen who pushed bills to give him permanent U.S. residency. U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., and U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., have backed Parlak, saying he is not a security risk and should be allowed to stay in the United States.
In December 2004, an immigration judge in Detroit ordered Parlak deported. Almost a year later, he lost an appeal of his deportation order with the U.S. Department of Justice's Board of Immigration Appeals.
His lawyers appealed that decision to 6th Circuit Judges Boyce Martin, Jeffrey Sutton and Julia Smith Gibbons in October 2007. The defense said the board erred when it determined that Parlak could be deported for lying on his applications, could not claim refugee status because he helped to persecute others and could not prove that he likely would be tortured if deported to Turkey.
Gibbons wrote in her decision, and Sutton concurred, that the BIA ruled correctly on those points.
In his dissenting opinion, Martin wrote, among other things, that "the immigration judge improperly relied on evidence likely induced through torture by Turkish Security Courts."
Martin also said the government was using its power "to railroad a man out of our country."
Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in Detroit issued a written statement after the ruling, saying Parlak "fully exercised his right to due process through the immigration courts and now through the 6th Circuit Court, which denied his latest appeal."
Telephone messages seeking comment were left at the Chicago office of defense attorney David Foster and Parlak family spokesman Martin Dzuris.
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