Tuesday, December 06, 2005


There is an interesting entry about the history of Kurdish language from Hajhar at Hubble2005.

After reminding us of all the great achievements of Kurds for the neighbors, we get this:

It is very interesting to notice that within those Kurdish principalities that were governed by independent Kurdish dynasties such as, for example, Hasnavi (founded 959)(9), Dostaki (990 - 1096)(10), etc., the Kurdish language was not used as the official written language. It remained however, the language of the people and was the main means of communication between the people and their rulers. This neglect and lack of concern caused negative repercussions for the Kurds, which can still be felt today. [. . . . ]

In any case, if one doesn't speak about one's self, or doesn't pursue one's own interests, others will do it for you and often incorrectly.

BINGO! Thanks for the reminder, Hajhar.

Also it appears that the Faily Kurdish party will support the Kurdistan Coalition List in the upcoming elections, from RFE/RL. In addition, there is a United Faily Kurdish Alliance platform and notes on a conference held by the Faily Kurds.

Background info on the Faily Kurds can be found at the Faily Kurds home page.

For those who want more election preparation, check out Hiwa's translation of the PÇDK manifesto.


Wladimir van Wilgenburg said...

This happened in more countries. Like in the Netherlands the rulers spoke French. Just like in England. I guess those Kurdish rulers spoke Arabic. In the Ottoman empire also Arabic was spoken.

But just like in Holland the "Kurdish leaders" start using Kurdish too. (But not the official Turkish, Iranian, Syrian governments)

Mizgîn said...

But the point about pursuing one's own interests, in language as well as in other affairs, is one that should be well-taken.

David said...

Kurdish reminds me a little of Yiddish, esp as discussed in Weinstein's book:
Yiddish : A Nation of Words, by Miriam Weinstein

The concept of a "NATION OF WORDS" -- a map of Yiddish-speaking countries-- the tragedy of the loss of the language over the years, both due to the Jews' and others' feeling it was not a real language, and to the persecution over the years. Highly recommended reading. Check your local library, LOL -- and check this link to the great cover image! here

Mizgîn said...

Juanita, one of the interesting things about Kurdish language is the fact that exiles in Europe began a revival of the language on a large scale, especially now through satellite TV, such as Roj TV.

Radio Yerevan offered one of the first Kurdish-language broadcasts (mostly music) which was able to be heard in Turkish-occupied Kurdistan regularly. The Turkish propaganda against Kurdish language was so great that many truly believed that Kurdish was not a language suitable for broadcasting.

In that respect, it may be that your comparison with Yiddish holds true.

The freedom of diaspora offered Kurds the opportunity to rediscover that one thing which is so closely tied to identity--language.

We still hear from strong Kemalists and other idiots that Kurdish is not a real language. Fortunately, no one else really believes this anymore.