Saturday, September 16, 2006


"The murders and terrorist acts committed by the MHP were actions of the Special Warfare Department. Their purpose was to intimidate the opposition and prepare the conditions for a coup."
~ Serdar Celik, "Turkey's Killing Machine: The Contra-Guerrilla Force."

In the aftermath of the Turkish state's contra-guerrilla operation in Amed this week, some 200 intellectuals in Turkey are saying, "Enough is enough," in a call to PKK to lay down arms and end its legitimate struggle for Kurdish rights under Turkish occupation.

How does one determine when enough is enough? Apparently, all those murdered by the Turkish state during the Amed serhildan, which spread to other cities in "The Region," did not quite add up to "enough," because we heard no call at that time for an end to the violence. Nor did all of those murdered by the Turkish state during the first round of the Dirty War (between 1984 and 1999) constitute the proper critical mass to equal "enough," and that was some 40,000 Kurds murdered. Obviously, Turkish intellectuals have some secret formula by which they determine "enough is enough," a formula derived, no doubt, by virtue of the fact that the intellectuals are, well, intellectuals.

On the other hand, only one Turkish intellectual has ever had any criticism of Turkish atrocities against Kurds.

It's interesting to note that when PKK called a unilateral ceasefire which lasted from 1999 until 2004, these same intellectuals remained silent and completely inactive politically as regards the situation of Kurds under Turkish occupation. They had their ceasefire, handed to them by PKK, and yet they did absolutely nothing toward ensuring full equality of Kurds. Last August, after Erdogan came to Amed and mumbled something about Kurds, PKK called a one-month unilateral ceasefire in order to see if Erdogan would act on his words. As it turned out, Erdogan was full of nothing but hot air.

For intellectuals, especially Turkish intellectuals, talk is cheap, cheaper even than a Kurdish life.

Another point of interest is the timing of both the DTP call for PKK ceasefire, as well as the sudden clamor for the same from intellectuals. Both come well after PKK's declaration for a political solution, which was issued almost a month ago, on 20 August. In that time, neither DTP nor any Turkish intellectual has had any comment on any of PKK's points. The fact is that the timing of these calls for an end to the Kurdish people's legitimate struggle against fascism has nothing to do with PKK and everything to do with the upcoming elections.

The US and the pashas are renewing their contra-guerrilla operations in Turkish-occupied Kurdistan in order to pull some power from AKP. Both are hoping that a de facto state of emergency with accompanying "psychological operations" will divide the Turkish electorate, thus helping to pull power from the unreliable AKP. AKP knows this, hence the sudden desire for "peace" by Turkish intellectuals. The Americans, however, want Turkish domestic instability so that the close relationship that the Ankara regime has forged with Iran will be reduced, and compliance with US interests increased.

Already, the Amed massacre is in the process of being covered up, just as so many other crimes against Kurds have been covered up by the Turkish state. Remember Semdinli? The residents of Semdinli found evidence in the attackers' vehicle, a vehicle which was registered with JIT, the Jandarma Intelligence organization, and news of that evidence made its way out of Turkish-occupied Kurdistan. All of that evidence, plus the capture of the attackers themselves by the residents, proved that the state was behind the bombing, yet a full disclosure of the state's complicity has never been made public.

If the residents had not captured the Semdinli evidence, the state would have blamed that bombing on the PKK, as some of the Turkish media tried to do and as the parliamentary commission on Semdinli tried to do. However, the history of "The Region," and the Turkish state's continued attempts to genocide the Kurdish people is long and hard.

Since security forces form a big part of the Deep State, they are in the perfect position to be able to recreate a bombings to fit their purposes. After all, these are the same people who have always dressed like gerîlas and committed their atrocities with impunity throughout both North and South Kurdistan--something the Americans trained them to do. In addition, it's well-known that Turkish security forces tend to "lose" evidence, or simply make up, evidence. In other words, the state has no credibility.

This time, however, the cover-up of the state's contra-guerrilla operations has an unusual twist: security forces in Amed were alleged to have been given "extraordinary powers" to invade homes and search for the perpetrators of the bombing without having to bother with search warrants. This is a joke on two counts. First, these occupation forces don't need any kind of paperwork, including search warrants, to do anything against Kurds. Secondly, did we hear any news of security forces being granted so-called extraordinary powers to investigate any one of the bombings which TAK openly claimed as its own?

In another move towards cover-up, TIT's website was already pulled from the Internet, but not before the photos and information on their bomb which they posted was "captured" by DozaMe, and republished on KurdishInfo.

Of course, there's really no need for any investigation because Turkish security forces already know well who committed the Amed massacre. It was they, themselves.

In the meantime, Our People's Hope continue their operations against the occupation forces.

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