Saturday, December 01, 2007


"The way to resolve the Kurdish issue is not at all creating 'artificial representatives' of the Kurdish people living in Turkey. The DTP is not a leper. Nor is it illegitimate. This is shameful on the part of the US Embassy. We are as legitimate as the prime minister is."
~ Sırrı Sakık, Muş DTP Parliamentarian.

Have you ever thought about weasels? They are the most cunning animals in the world. A weasel makes a small hole in an egg and sucks out the insides. After it eats all the vital stuff in the egg, it places the egg back in the nest. Only when closely examined is the egg found to be hollow; otherwise, no one can tell the difference between a weaseled egg and a normal egg. This is the way it is with AKP's policies towards the Kurdish situation. AKP is trying to create a Kurdish middle class which will obey Turkish policies with no objection, and will be willing to deny whatever fills in the notion of being a true Kurd. Such people will be introduced as Kurds while, in reality, they will be no different than an average Turk. Thus, this new middle class will be forced to accept PKK as a terrorist organization and to admit that PKK does not represent the Kurdish people. By doing so, AKP hopes to stop PKK enlistments.

According to CNNTurk via Milliyet, US ambassador Ross Wilson held talks with politicians from The Southeast, including AKP parliamentarians from The Region. The implication of Milliyet's wording is that the politicians in question are Kurdish politicians but, really, they are only so-called "Kurdish" politicians.

Wilson had invited some parliamentarians to meet together before Congressman Chris Shays' visit to The Southeast, who came to collect information about the Kurdish question in general and PKK in particular. The attendees included AKP Amed (Diyarbakır) parliamentarians İhsan Arslan and Abdurrahman Kurt, AKP Sêrt parliamentarian Afif Demirkıran, HAK-PAR chairman Sertaç Bucak, KADEP chairman Şerafettin Elçi, former Amed parliamentarians Mesut Değer and Haşim Haşimi. It is reported that Congressman Shays asked each of the parliamentarians their views of the Kurdish question.

Oh, yeah, that's the same Şerafettin Elçi who can speak of federalism for Kurds in Turkey and is not touched by the state or harassed with endless prosecutions, the complete opposite of what happens if Aysel Tuğluk or Ahmet Türk speaks of federalism for the same Kurds. It's the complete opposite of what happens to Osman Baydemir when he calls for more local governmental autonomy or signs a letter in support of Roj TV or says that local resources should be administered locally. It's the complete opposite of what happens to Abdullah Demirbaş when he implements a plan, in conjunction with the Sur municipality council (now forcibly disbanded by the Interior Ministry), to provide local services in the languages that the people of the city actually speak.

Bucak is another fake Kurd like Elçi, but he has the illustrious connection to the Bucak clan that benefitted from Çiller's government and its consolidation of the drug trade for Turkish businessmen. Sertaç is another Bucak who's benefitted from his tribe's collaboration with the Turkish state and its legendary corruption. This is why Bucak can walk freely and talk about his support for Kurdish federalism within Turkey and not have to watch behind his back. Along with the fake AKP Kurds, Elçi and Bucak are pocket Kurds that the state can pull out of its pocket to show how "equal" Kurds are within the racist, colonial regime.

Meanwhile, the American AKP toady, Ross Wilson, also gave the message, "PKK is our common enemy, and must be annihilated." This is, of course, why Wilson called the meeting of the fake Kurds to begin with: PKK is the power which the US, Turkey, Iran, and Syria fear.

In the meeting, the American officials wanted to visit a PKK şehîd's family, however the Turkish attendees--the fake Kurds--warned them by saying, "This is a very dangerous thing. It will create an enormous misunderstanding. If you are doing so, you must also visit a dead Turkish soldier's family, too."

Milliyet refers to the ANKA News Agency, which noted that the following points were discussed in Wilson's meeting:

*US officials asked the so-called Kurdish officials' views about the disarmament of PKK within the framework of the Kurdish question, and issues such as the closure of DTP.

*After underlining the disarmament of PKK and the necessity of solving the Kurdish question with non-violent means, American officials avoided commenting. Instead, they preferred to listen to the attendees' views.

*All the attendees remarked on the necessity of the disarmament of PKK because it's a barrier to solving the Kurdish question, and that this question could be solved within the territorial integrity of Turkey. The state, on the other hand, must satisfy the Kurds in terms of being respectful of Kurdish identity and culture (no mention of full political rights, however).

*The attendees, with the exception of the AKP parliamentarians, wanted a general amnesty to cause PKK to lay down their arms. Some social project must be implemented for the PKK members who have already laid down their arms.

*AKP parliamentarians gave information about the new constitutional draft, saying that this new constitution would be more participatory and pluralist. As the ruling party of the current government, the AKP parliamentarians said they could take economic and political steps in favor of Kurds (could, not would).

*The American officials wanted to make observations, especially in Amed, so they would have the opportunity to meet martyred guerrilla families and dead Turkish soldier families. In that respect, they asked for particular names so that they could visit. The attendees told them that the Human Rights Association (IHD) and the Turkish Martyrs' Families' Association were located in Amed. Through the governorship they would be able to reach the associations. (It's interesting to note here that there is no "Kurdish Families' Association," and the state's reference to IHD as the organization that could assist with locating Kurdish şehîd families is a veiled acknowledgement on the part of the state that it has committed human rights abuses against the Kurdish people under Turkish occupation).

In a breakfast meeting, DTP parliamentary group deputy (and parliamentarian from Amed) Selahattin Demirtaş criticized Wilson's meeting between US congressmen and old and new parliamentarians from The Southeast. In a statement to ANKA, Demirtaş said that there wasn't any information requested or invitation issued to DTP. Demirtaş said, "We are a party that represents a large group. We think these activities are useless."

Besides ÖDP chairman and Istanbul parliamentarian Ufuk Uras, four other AKP parliamentarians from The Southeast were invited to lunch last Thursday by US ambassador Wilson. Those parliamentarians include Êlih (Batman) parliamentarian Mehmet Emin Ekmen, Sêrt parliamentarian Mehmet Yılmaz Seydaoğlu, Wan parliamentarian Gülşen Orhan, and Şirnex parliamentariann Abdullah Vehi Seyda. Uras said that he would attend the meeting and discuss his own ideas.

However, this second meeting was cancelled after Erdoğan criticized the participation of AKP parliamentarians in the first meeting. Kurdistan Post reported that at a dinner sometime after the first meeting, DTP's Muş parliamentarian Sırrı Sakık criticized the US, asking why the US was holding meetings in the open with AKP, HAK-PAR, and KADEP--in other words, the fake Kurds--while speaking to DTP in secret. Ahmet Türk had harsher words for the US, saying that it was disrespectful to the Turkish government for the US to hold interviews with Turkey's domestic representatives, and he rhetorically asks for whom the US is running interference.

Ahmet Türk should have pressed for an answer to his question because inquiring minds want to know the answer.

In another interesting piece of news from Yeni Asya, we have another indication of AKP's deal with the Paşas: Abdullah Gül has approved the dismissal of "religious reactionary" Turkish officers, something that he disapproved when he was prime minister and which Erdoğan disapproves of now. Remember, it was religiously reactionary Gül who visited the TSK in The Southeast, in September, to inaugurate intensified operations against the Kurdish people. Gül's new cooperation with the Paşas in ridding TSK of religiously fanatic officers is yet another indication of how well AKP prostitutes itself to Turkey's true ruling elite,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elci is prosecuted. That the pro-PKK media and Turkish media doesn't report about this is something else.