Saturday, April 18, 2009


"Power in defense of freedom is greater than power in behalf of tyranny and oppression."
~ Malcolm X.

Amed (Diyarbakır) protests against Turkish state terror operations. Many thanks to the friend in Amed who sent them.

Turkish state terror operations against DTP continued throughout the week with a balance of arrested person reaching 245 on Friday (Source:

Ahmet Türk is due to arrive in the UK very soon and will speak at a round table meeting at Chatham House on the situation in Turkey after the local elections. This event will take place on Tuesday.

I bet that's going to be one hot round table.


Gordon Taylor said...

The Voice of America, believe it or not, has one of the better stories about these events. At least it's reasonably objective and factual. But of course American media are MIA. See here:

Anonymous said...

Stole a picture from Rastî (with hopes of being forgiven for theft).


Mizgîn said...

Yeah, Gordon, when is the American media not MIA? But the Ankara regime doesn't want any of this out anyway. Also, I think that the American public grossly underestimates events in Turkey. I mean, there aren't many people who know much about Turkey at all.

Zarok, this is an anti-capitalist, open-source blog. It's impossible to steal from it.
