"But with what's going on with the Kurdish population today in Turkey and what they're doing to the Kurdish population, you can see that it's not a matter of history, that it's being repeated."
~ Sibel Edmonds.
~ Sibel Edmonds.
Here's a longer video from Deposition Day on 8 August with Sibel Edmonds, the lawyers involved, and David Krikorian. Run time is almost 25 minutes and, again, thanks to the friend who passed this little nugget along.
Pay attention to what Sibel says when she is asked about her personal ideas on the Armenian Genocide (about 11:50 minutes):
"As a person, I have never denied it [the Armenian Genocide]. . . I accept it and I think it's even twice, three times more important because people . . . they think of it as something that happened a hundred years ago and should be forgotten or shouldn't matter today . . . But with what's going on with the Kurdish population today in Turkey and what they're doing to the Kurdish population, you can see that it's not a matter of history, that it's being repeated. And as they did a hundred years ago and they're doing with the Armenian Genocide. Especially the United States is turning a blind eye on the Kurdish issue, which is a big, major human rights issue in Turkey. So it hasn't gone away and it's not something that happened only a hundred years ago. We see the effects of it today and unless the international community, including the United States, really takes a strong and firm position on this, they're going to get away with it and they'll never respect human rights."
Çok yaşa Sibel! Bijî Sibel! Getztzeh Sibel!
wow, Sibel Edmonds = the truth on all subject matters. i hope americans open their eyes and listen
Me, too, Anonymous. Me, too.
Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang
Keyword Kenali Pandeglang
Mohon dukungannya yach....?!
Agar terjalin tali silaturrahmi di antara kita.
Pandeglang telah hilang Kenali Si Dunia Aneh
Mari bersama DesigN and TechnologY dalam kontes Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang
Mari bersama Pak Firman yang bekerja di SDIT Nurul Ilmi Medan
Sibel Edmonds is one BRAVE woman for daring to tell the truth.
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