Monday, August 10, 2009


"From my opinion, if I'm some of the current members of Congress, I'd be very very worried about the information that's going to come out of this."
~ David Krikorian.

Here's a short video taken at Sibel Edmonds' deposition on Saturday, 8 August, 2009, at the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition offices:

See yesterday's post for more on Saturday's struggle between the Turkish lobby and those devoted to truth and justice.


Anonymous said...

I admire Sibel's courage although her position -- of being a whistleblower and airing out the dirty state secrets of the U.S. AND Turkey -- is far from enviable. Few others would have taken such purposeful steps to potentially alienate both her homeland and her adopted homeland. She is a prime example of the fact that truth hurts and it generally hurts the bearer more than anyone else. I salute her civic courage and hope that we can all be patriots like her.


Mizgîn said...

You are correct; I think it is very difficult at times and, at others, very frustrating. A type of modern day Cassandra.

I also think you're not the only Kurd to respect her for speaking the truth.