“It is one thing to photograph people. It is another to make others care about them by revealing the core of their humanness."
~ Paul Strand.

A PKK guerilla wears a traditional Kurdish scarf over his face. (AFP/David Furst)

Carrying light weapons, PKK guerrillas walk in formation during military exercises in the mountains of northern Iraq's Kurdish autonomous region. (AFP/David Furst)

PKK guerrillas gather for a debriefing by their commander following military exercises. (AFP/David Furst)

PKK guerrillas storm a hilltop as they conduct military exercises in the mountains of northern Iraq's Kurdish autonomous region. High in the mountains of northern Iraq, the Kurdish fighters of the Kurdistan Workers Party expressed defiance over the comments of Iraqi and Turkish officials about removing the guerilla organization from its bases. (David Furst/AFP)

Along the border : A PKK guerilla fighter walks into a stone hut.
(AFP/David Furst)

PKK guerrilla fighters and female activists sip tea in a stone hut.
(AFP/David Furst)

A PKK guerilla watches as comrades haul supplies to their base in the mountains of northern Iraq's Kurdish autonomous region.
(AFP/David Furst)

A PKK female guerilla and her male counterparts storm a hilltop during conduct military exercises in the mountains of northern Iraq's Kurdish autonomous region. (AFP/David Furst)

PKK guerrilla fighters and female activists take notes during a lecture on the history of women's rights through civilization in the mountains of northern Iraq's Kurdish autonomous region 21 November 2006. (AFP/David Furst)

PKK female guerillas fire a rifle during military exercises in the mountains of northern Iraq's Kurdish autonomous region. In a part of the world known for the subordination of women, nowhere do females play a greater role than in the ranks of this Kurdish movement.
(AFP/David Furst)

A PKK female guerilla fires a rocket- propelled grenade during military exercises in the mountains of northern Iraq's Kurdish autonomous region 18 November 2006. With their camps in the mountains and an emphasis on education and equality, the PKK aims to offer an alternative model for Kurdish and Middle Eastern women. (AFP/David Furst)

A Kurdish militiaman inspects weapons at a camp in the foothills of the Qandil Mountains.
(AFP/Ali Al-Saadi)
beautiful pics. spas Mizgin
Sipasî xwesh.
I really enjoy them too, Anonymous.
Look at the mountains in that last one. Beautiful!
And I like the one where the gerîlas are taking notes in a lecture. Makes me think of Emre Taner, sniffing his glue in Ankara, and proclaiming that most gerîlas are illiterate.
I like the one of the gerîlas with the cemedanî around his face. I think I always like spontaneous portraits like that one the best.
that ralston piece is spreading like a wildfire. you rock my world!
Thank you Arcan.
You know, I'm not the only one spreading that info. There are others who have also worked very hard. We had a couple of articles come out in print in the UK and that was primarily the work of Hevallo. Chris Deliso, Kevin McKiernan, Solomon Hughes (UK) wrote on the situation. KurdishInfo and KurdishMedia helped out, as did Ozgur Gundem and The Socialist Worker (UK). Onnik Krekorian and Artyom at iArarat helped. Lukery has been a fabulous help. Others have incorporated the Ralston conflict of interest in the bigger picture of the Deep State, such as John Stanton and Sibel Edmonds. So these have also helped to spread the information.
All of the information about the Ralston conflict of interest is open source. It is available to everyone. A more important question in that regard would be why does the mainstream media NOT examine the open source information and write about it? Why? Why does the mainstream media NOT do its duty to the public by informing them of how their nation has been hijacked, as Sibel Edmonds puts it?
Who or what does the mainstream media REALLY work for?
Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang
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Mohon dukungannya yach....?!
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