Armenian journalist Hrant Dink has been murdered by bozkurtlar in Istanbul, no doubt with the approval and assistance of the fascist Ankara regime, from CNN:
Outspoken journalist shot dead in Istanbul
ISTANBUL, Turkey (CNN) -- A prominent Turkish-Armenian journalist who spoke out against the killings of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire early last century was shot to death Friday.
Hrant Dink, 53, editor of the Armenian-Turkish language weekly Agos newspaper, was shot dead in front of the Istanbul publication as he was leaving.
The killing prompted swift denunciation by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who said the attack was a "shock" and an "insult" to the Turkish nation and a "dark day" -- not only for Dink's family but for all of Turkey as well.
"The dark hands that killed him will be found and punished," Erdogan said, in televised remarks.
Bullshit, you dirty little errand boy, Erdogan. You'll find and punish your "dark hands" in this murder just like you did for the Semdinli bombing. Remember how you were swore to get to the bottom of that one? Or how about the Council of State attack? There's another one that your filthy regime pulled off and about which we'll never hear the truth.
Authorities are looking into a lead that he was shot four times by a young man who appeared to be 18 or 19 years old.
Described as a "well-known commentator on Armenian affairs," Dink has faced a number of cases in connection with "insulting" the Turkish state for his writings.
"Some of the trial hearings have been marred by violent scenes inside and outside the courtrooms, instigated by nationalist activists calling for Dink to be punished," said a profile on the Web site of Pen American Center -- the writers' group that promotes free expression.
Agos, an Armenian-Turkish language weekly, was established in 1996.
Andrew Finkel, a journalist in Turkey and a friend of Dink's, emphasized that the killing was "a tragedy" for a country attempting to "come to terms with its past."
Read the rest at the link.
Turkey is making no effort to "come to terms with its past." It is still a fascist regime and it has no intention of changing. Even the EU knows this and not only goes along with Turkey, but enables it at every opportunity, and why not? Europe is the native home of fascism. The US encourages Turkish fascism because the only thing the Americans love is money, and fascism keeps their war industry and politicians rolling in their blood money.
On IHT, Erdogan is braying about how this murder was not the murder of an individual, but an attack against Turkey's "unity."
I have news for you, there has never been any unity in Turkey and, at the rate things are going, there isn't going to be any unity for a very long time.
I am too angry and disgusted with everything and everyone to continue with this, and what does it matter what I say anyway? Nothing will ever change.
Ax! Şev xoş, heval.
Update from Bloomberg:
Just before his assassination, Dink had complained of death threats he was receiving from nationalists.
"My computer is laden with lines filled with angry threats,'' Dink wrote in a Jan. 10 article for Agos. He said he found one letter "extremely worrying'' and said police took no action after he complained.
Police have arrested two people in connection with the murder, NTV television reported. Police believe a male aged 18 or 19 may have killed Dink, CNN Turk television reported citing unidentified police officials.
Police took no action because the police did this murder, just like they have done so many others in Turkey.
Police in riot gear surrounded Dink's office in downtown Istanbul. Forensic teams were combing the pavement outside for clues to the murder.
That's right, provide protection for a corpse, you dirty fascist bastards. Make sure you get rid of all the evidence . . . we wouldn't want any blowback, would we?
Barbaric act. Turkey, an EU nation? I think not!
Turkey’s EU accession negotiations should have been suspended a long time ago but its staunchest ally (Britain) thinks other wise. Speaking of the Brits... here is how they plan on betraying the Kurds. Disgusting!
Ah, heval, great minds think alike. You have provided a link to something that I intend commenting on later tonight.
Remember the Sunday Telegraph reporting that Blair said Kurds should "acquiesce" in their treatment?
Well, we aren't the least bit surprised to see this latest news, are we?
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