To the public opinion:
The Turkish state does not cease carrying out military operations passing through the borders of Iraqi Kurdistan. The Turkish army yesterday night held an air raid against the positions of PJAK’s (Kurdish Iranian Party for a Free Life) militants on the mounts of Qandil. During this attack where chemical gas was used, 6 journalist members of the PJAK press service lost their lives. Thus, Turkey does not recognize any right regarding to the international war rules.
According to the information that we have obtained, a meeting was held on 30th April 2008 between Turks and Iranians right on the Iranian border where they planned identifying the PJAK targets to be attacked.
We would like to draw the attention of the international public opinion to the fact that the decision of an air raid was made due to this meeting held between Turkish, Iranian and Iraqi forces, yet in relation with Iraqi Kurdish authorities as well. It clearly means that these states agreed on annihilating the Kurdish people’s struggle for freedom.
It should be known that the Turkish government has only a one-year authorization given by its Parliament and which expires in October 2008 for carrying out military operations against the Kurds through its borders. Since, the United States, alliance of Turkey within NATO, assists Turkish authorities by providing some real-time information about Kurdish military movements on Iraqi territory.
The Kurdistan National Congress condemns Turkish army’s barbaric attack. We call on the international public opinion, especially the European institutions and the NGOs to not remain silent against Turkish barbarism which aims to tear down Kurdish people’s fight for freedom.
Kurdistan National Congress (KNK)
04th May 2008
Poor Kurds in the South Kurdistan. They have no idea what is coming next. I wonder if they (people) knew anything when they droped chemicals in Halapja. I am sure Jash Barzani and Arab Taliban knew everything before hand, exactly as similar to today!
Who says history would not repeat itself, surely does.
Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) needs their policy to be a little more clear. Are they condemning Iran and Turkey or are they condemning Kurds?
KNK should stop taking directions from members in their organization like Freshta Raper who have been busy lately pursuing an agenda that has caused more damage to the Kurdish national movement than it has done good.
I remember watching Freshta Raper on al-Jazeera, just a month or two ago, as she was crying to Arabs about how corrupt the Kurdish leadership is... As if the Arab world really gives a rat's ass about how Kurds are treating one another. They would rather dig up as much dirt on the Kurds as possible so they could create more hate for Kurds in the Middle East.
Sorry for digressing but tell me what is Freshta's purpose in coming on al-Jazeera and making a fool of her own people in front of the entire Arab world?
The chauvinist Arabs on al-Jazeera will use people like Freshta to demonize the Kurdish people as part of their anti-Kurdish agenda. Unfortunately, Kurds like Freshta are either part of that agenda or somehow think Arabs will save Kurds from corruption. If the latter is her reason, then I wonder what type of SHIT she's smoking along with all other's who play that game...
KNK doesn't care about making propaganda against KRG (KDP/PUK).
"KNK doesn't care about making propaganda against KRG (KDP/PUK)."
I am sure you don't mean what you say above because KNK members mostly consist from KDP/PUK representatives.
" Sorry for digressing but tell me what is Freshta's purpose in coming on al-Jazeera and making a fool of her own people in front of the entire Arab world?"
Justifying the curruption and crimes against the humanity with primitive nationalism, patriotism or fascism is not the way forward my friend. Before you accusing others with anything bad I am sure it is much better to open your own dirt and try to clean it before you become like them! If the curruption wasn't as so high as what the experts are saying then why Turkey and Iran continuesly bombing South Kurdistan. Open your eyes turkish bombings started from the borders first and then the media protective zones and now they are bombing deeper in South Kurdistan. Just watch the news and put them in to a big map everytime they increase the number of bombings. This is the begining of another major genocide attemp by Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria with a little help from the big brothers USA and the EU.
Who is Freshta Raper ?
I never heard this name.
"Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) needs their policy to be a little more clear. Are they condemning Iran and Turkey or are they condemning Kurds?"
I suspect a mistake, "Kurd" may talk of another "KNC" than the "KNC" which issued the statement on recent Turkish bombings of Qendil:
The later is the KNC (KNK) including the PKK, it's not the same that the KNC of Freshta Raper.
Sorry, I meant KNC of North America not KNK in Europe...
I was talking about KNK, and their members are NOT KDP/PUK representatives, so I don't know where Raphael would get something like that from. KNK is highly critical of them actually.
Hamo, that still doesn't justify people like Freshta Raper crying to Arabs for help. What kind of dream world utopia do you think we are living in if you think an Arab Chauvinist like Jasim Azawi actually gives a shit about Kurdish rights? He's sided with Ba'athists on his show for God's sake and every program he hosts about Kurds is to simply bash them.
I suggest you get real with the reality on the ground Hamo. It's easy for you to sit wherever you are and repeat exaggerated propaganda. I agree, there is plenty of corruption, but your comments go way too far. Stop getting so emotional behind your keyboard and clean your own "dirt" before you accuse other people of needing to clean theirs.
Elisha - Freshta Raper is a spokesperson for KNK... watch a few episodes of al-Jazeera and you will probably see her and her bizarre agenda.
Mizgin, it was be nice to hear your views on this recent news regarding the TTB...
''Just watch the news and put them in to a big map everytime they increase the number of bombings. This is the begining of another major genocide attemp by Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria with a little help from the big brothers USA and the EU.''
I've never understood why? Could you please tell me. For me, it looks too... Conspiracy like. Why would they? On the other hand. The bombings aren't increasing that much?
kurdt, it is not the increasing of bombings but the area it covers. If you compare the area being bombed in every major assult then you would realise day by day they are getting deeper in South Kurdistan. The area that media protective zones where the PKK resides also highly populated by the moving villagers specially during the spring and summer time. 10's of thousands civilians occupies a small area. When I said this was a genocide attempt I meant how lucky the people in the region were at this time. Most of the bombings hit or missed the populated centrals (villages). I would consider this very strong warning by Iran, Iraq, Turkey and USA coalisions for the future genocides.
Raphael, I think you may have KNK (Kongreya Netewiya Kurdistane) confused with KNCNA (Kurdish National Congress of North America).
Sorry for digressing, but what is the point of KNK's statement?
About the doctors, it shows that they are also split between Left and Nationalist in Turkey over the Kurdish situation. In this the TTB appears to follow ODP, MLKP, and some of the socialist groups (including DISK and KESK).
The claim of the National Union of Doctors that TTB is too focused on "ethnic" issues seems pretty absurd to me since the single biggest issue facing Turkey for the last 80 years (and the last 30 years in particular) is the "ethnic", i.e. Kurdish, issue.
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