Wednesday, April 01, 2009


"A joy shared is a joy doubled."
~ Unknown.

I'm posting photos for a second day in a row because these are the ones I've been waiting for. These are photos of post-election celebrations for DTP's victory from all around North Kurdistan and beyond. There are just a few posted here because Özgür Gündem has well over 250 photos from the celebrations and you can begin browsing through all of them here.

In the meantime, you can join me and bask in the joy:

Gever (Yüksekova) 90% PKK, 0% Destruction [and] Denial.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for these photos, Mizgîn. I shivered of happiness after watching them. The one photo I prefered, but it's not on your blog, is the one on which a Kurdish mother kiss the forehead of a touched Osman Baydemir.
It's too moving.


Anonymous said...

Hello to you,

Lovely pictures,It's historic moment for kurdish people, all over Kurdistan.
Keep up the good work,
Kurd from Kirkuk

Books about Kurds said...

Victoria & Jon are two journalists working together on a project to teach citizen journalism skills and document kurdish culture.

Here is their Message :-

We've entered a contest through Microsoft to win $50,000 to fund the project. Right now, we have over 400 votes for the project and are in 40th place, but in order to be considered in the final round, we must place in the top 20 (another 200 votes).

I'm writing to ask you to please vote for our project online and pass it on to your friends and networks. We would truly appreciate your support for this worthy project and any effort you make to spread the word.

To vote for the project, simply:

1) register for the site:

2) once you're registered, go to our project:
and click "PIC IT"

3) Please pass on to as many friends as you can :)